
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Getting Low

for Cassie

When you showed me those scars
on your wrists, I was too young
to understand their significance.

That your pain is my pain
and that pain is what we live with.

I spent the day in my room
listening to music scream
I'M ALIVE. I am alive.

I am alive to sit in dark
rooms with you. To show
you how to find
stars that haven't reached us yet-
sparks of happiness in future instances.


  1. response to flyleaf?

    sometimes pain is craved and scars result. pain that blocks out worse pain. layers and layers of it until it's not really pain anymore, just life, and vices.

    i look forward to the stars.

  2. really?! I didn't know. No, this was written in reflection on a friend from middle school and also for a project. I didn't know the lyrics were so close. That is awesome. I feel cool

  3. wow that is crazy. anyway, it's a great poem.
