
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

untitled 11-17-10

trapped within the bones
of a too thin ribcage
it beats ba-dum ba-dum
until it bursts.

Bursts. bursts
from too much life
without enough love
Moloch! Moloch!
cries the Howl of the city street.
They, too, have been worked too hard.

We have been worked too hard.
Worked to the point of hiding.
Hiding ourselves with
masks and self discovery stories--
our self defining moments.

Moments of purest epiphany
that lead to this discovery:
know yourself and learn to love it.

1 comment:

  1. Will you pleeeeeease write over Thanksgiving break? I'm craving more words from you!
    Also, don't yes too hard. I won't be there to bring you back to life!
