
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Do not let them know your thought.

Do not let them know your thought.
If in the dark their whispers ask,
then hide, hide fully your heart.

When we were lovers we dearly sought
to stay abstained of their repressive caste.
Do not let them know your thought.

Naked in your arms they caught
me and reprimanded me too fast.
So hide, hide fully your heart.

Men to women we are taught;
Class to class to make the system last.
Do not let them know your thought.

And others before us have bravely fought,
but lost to hatred, fear, and darkness.
So hide, hide fully your heart.

But for you I broadcast:
Fuck society and its masks.
Then, Lover, let them know your thoughts,
and never, never hide your heart.


  1. What a form poem? Is that a villanelle I see?

    Yes, yes it is. I don't know how it happened either. I never write these.

  2. omg. i love this. absolutely beautiful. and brave message.

  3. Ahhh! Thanks, Kels!
