
Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Do you ever find yourself bored in class? Well, I find myself in that situation every day of school. I mean come on! I recognize the value of having a basic understanding of why and how the world around me works, but if I ever end up needing to know the formula for calculating and angle of refraction in my actual work just shoot me. Please, don't let my life be ruled by chemistry laws and random historic dates! So, when I get bored in class my usual methods of coping(I say coping because it is like consoling oneself) are to doodle on my notebooks and to look outside. Nature always seems to placate me. While, today in class I found myself writing a poem to deal with the useless information. I may never hear of Saint- wait which saint was it?- again in my life. However, the poem I wrote will stick with me forever. Even if it is a pretty crappy one.
I've heard it said that love blazes with the intensity of a thousand suns, but not so is my love for you look to the sky and you'll clearly see our lives depend on gravity so too is my love for you a black hole it reaches out everywhere desiring all that is all of you i pull into me until we are one in unity
Okay yeah. I don't know why I even bothered posting that one. ewww like the sig?


  1. i like that one! you have to stop saying crap like that, it being bad, psh. that is in my top 3

    i like phoenix better then p.m.

  2. Thank you for commenting Christine! By top three do you mean you have a ranking for my poetry? That would be very flattering to hear =).

    Phoenix over P.M. huh? Do you think it's necessary to place it in every post?

  3. no, i think it would be better if it was just some posts. adds a little something to them. yes i am ranking your poetry

  4. Okay. I'll remember to add the signature every once in a while. I think it adds a little something too. Hehe well, if you must rank, rank away. You'll have to keep coming back for more though =D

  5. i like it too. i never considered love to be like a black hole, but it's actually not as depressing as it sounds...

  6. i like this one too! this may sound weird but some of it made me think of Wicked. the "i've heard it said" and then you used "gravity". i dunno it just reminded me of Wicked

    maybe im crazy.

  7. Thanks for commenting Kelsey and Anusia.
    When I was writing this I was hoping that no one thought it was depressing. Although I do like to see if others interpret things differently than I do, this time I wanted a more positive outlook.
    I hadn't thought of Wicked Anusia. It's really cool that you could make a connection. I don't think that's weird at all.

  8. I like this one! stop saying that your poems are bad. And yeah, at first it would seem that comparing love to a black hole would be depressing, but it's not! I like it.

    p.s. our choir concert is going to suck.

  9. Thanks for commenting Meg. You can't expect me to like all of my work equally can you? Anyways, I think comparing it to a black hole works... mostly. Haha =D

    Yeah, choir will suck, but the solos and women's group are good.
